A TileListView for Universal Windows

I just released a small library for arrange any visual item in a tiled-fashion, very similar to the famous “start screen” of Windows 8/10, but following a fixed-position configuration.

The source code on GitHub.

The problem with the ordinary tiled-layout views is about the possible re-arrangement of the tiles, thus an user might see a different result upon the actual viewport size. I needed something “fixed” instead. The user should define the layout by editing the grid via drag-and-drop, then that layout will be fixed for any screen. However, the editor should consider more than a single arrangement, whereas the feasible displays can’t fit the desired layout.

The demo leverages an useful MVVM pattern, and allows to define several kind of blocks: fixed, full-sizable, shrinkable, expandable, on just one or both the directions.

The library is working, but at the moment as a beta (several minor problems and refinements to work on). A reasonable prototype to put your hands on, though.

As described, the project is tailored for the Universal Windows Platform, so only Windows 10 (phones and IoT as well) is supported. You must use Visual Studio 2015 on Windows 10 for development also.

2016-03-05 (1)
Editing mode (drag-and-drop to add/move/remove tiles)
2016-03-05 (2)
Blocks size is modifiable at any time
2016-03-05 (3)
The view mode: as any normal hub page.

Have fun!


Azure Veneziano – Part 3

This is the third part of my Internet-of-Things telemetry project based on Azure.

The source of the project is hosted in the azure-veneziano GitHub repository.

The sample report as shown in this article can be downloaded here.

Here are the other parts:

In this article I’ll show you how to refine the notification of an event by creating a detailed data report.
This post closes the basic part of the project. There will be other articles related to the Azure Veneziano project, but they are mostly additional components and enrichment to the base system.

The problem.

When the system alerts you about, for instance, the outside temperature which is getting higher the more is sunny, I believe there’s no need of any detail on.
However, the things could turn dramatically different if you receive a notification such as “your aquarium temperature is greater than 35°C”. Unless you have very special fishes, there are just two possibilities:

  1. the fishes are in a serious danger, or
  2. something is broken (e.g. the probe, the wiring, etc).

Fish_tank_(2)In the first case, there’s no other way than making some immediate action before the fishes die. In the second case, you could even tolerate the failure knowing that the system is unable to work properly, until it will be fixed.
However, if you’re at the mall, for instance, and you receive such a mail: what would you do? Better question: how to know what kind of problem is? Also, how the system evolved before facing the issue?
Of course you can add “redundancy” to the telemetry system, so that you’ll have more info (and that’s always a good thing). For instance, you could use two probes instead of just one. Since the fishes life is in danger, a probe more is actually a natural choice.
Anyway, if you receive a simple message like “the water temperature is 55°C”, you can’t understand where the problem is. A bit different if the message shows you the “evolution” of that temperature. If the evolution acts like a “step”, where the temperature rises to a prohibitive value in a few time, then it’s probably something broken in the hardware. Reasonably, the aquarium tank can’t get hotter in minutes or less.
All that depicts a scenery where a collection of values over time is an useful “attachment” to the alerting message. Here, the target is representing the data collected as both chart and table fashion.

Looking for the right library.

As for report I mean a simple document, which contains details on what happened. For this project, we’ll create a three-pages report with a couple of charts, and also a brief tabular history of the collected data.
Once again, I’d like to remember that this project is a kind of “sandbox” for something professional. Thus, I prefer to try “a bit of everything” in order to take practice with the environment: Azure at first, then several accessories. For this reason, I wanted the ability to create the report document in both Word- and PDF-format.
Around the Internet there is plenty of creation and conversion tools, but most of them are very expensive. In a professional context that would be feasible, but of course isn’t acceptable for any home/hobby target.

Finally, I bumped against the Spire.Doc Free-edition by e-iceblue.
They offer a complete suite of tools for many standard formats. Despite their regular price is off the hobbyist-pocket, they also offer the Free-Edition option. I tested only the Spire.Doc component (tailored for the Word documents), and the limitations are pretty acceptable. At first glance some limitation looks like a wall, but it’s easy to play around the APIs and to find the right trick!
Moreover, when I had some trouble with the library, I asked them an help by the forum, and the answer came very quickly.

How to create your own report.

The usage of the Spire.Doc library is very simple, however I created a series of support functions in order to specialize the code for the report creation.
It’s worthwhile to say that the generated report is meant as “attachment” for the notification mail, so the below code is called automatically when the logic sends a mail.
The only thing the logic should specify is the list of useful variables to detail in the report. That’s an obvious requirement, especially when you deal with many variables.

        public void Run()
            LogicVar analog0 = MachineStatus.Instance.Variables["Analog0"];
            LogicVar analog1 = MachineStatus.Instance.Variables["Analog1"];

            if ((analog0.IsChanged || analog1.IsChanged) &&
                (double)analog0.Value > (double)analog1.Value
                var message = "The value of Analog0 is greater than Analog1.";

                var mail = new MailMessage();
                mail.Body = message;

                var rdp = new ReportDataParameters();



Here is the mail incoming in my mailbox…


…and here once I open the message:


Let’s walk the report generation code step-by-step…

The very first thing is to specify some personalization data, such as the title, some pictures, and even the page size (default is for European A4-sheet).

        private void CreateReport(
            MailMessage mail,
            ReportDataParameters rdp
            //set the basic info for the report generation
            var info = new ReportGeneratorInfo();
            info.ProjectTitle = "Azure Veneziano Project";
            info.ProjectUri = "https://highfieldtales.wordpress.com/";
            info.ProjectVersion = "2014";

            info.ReportTitle = "Alert Data Report";

            //cover logo image
            var stream = this.GetType()

            info.CoverLogoImage = new System.Drawing.Bitmap(stream);

Then, since the cover is made up from a well-defined template, its creation is straightful immediately after the document model. I also used an extension-method pattern so that the various function invocation will shape as fluent-fashion.

             * Cover
            var document = ReportGeneratorHelpers.CreateDocument(info)

What’s behind?
There’s nothing secret. Those functions are only a shortcut for easy manipulating a report, but anyone could create his/her own functions.
The document generation creates a Document instance, defines its properties as well as the available styles. Please, note that the library comes with several pre-defined styles, but I wanted to create my own:

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new Word document based on the given parameters
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="info"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Spire.Doc.Document CreateDocument(
            ReportGeneratorInfo info
            //create new document
            var document = new Spire.Doc.Document();

             * Define styles
                var style = new Spire.Doc.Documents.ParagraphStyle(document);
                style.Name = "Title";
                style.CharacterFormat.FontName = "Calibri Light";
                style.CharacterFormat.FontSize = 28;
                style.CharacterFormat.TextColor = System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(91, 155, 213);
                style.ParagraphFormat.BeforeSpacing = InchesToDots(0.2);
                style.ParagraphFormat.AfterSpacing = InchesToDots(0.2);

            // ...

            //create section...
            Spire.Doc.Section section = document.AddSection();
            section.PageSetup.DifferentFirstPageHeaderFooter = true;
            section.PageSetup.DifferentOddAndEvenPagesHeaderFooter = true;

            //...define page size and orientation
            section.PageSetup.PageSize = info.PageSize;
            section.PageSetup.Orientation = info.PageOrientation;

            //...then margins...
            section.PageSetup.Margins.Top = InchesToDots(info.PageMargin.Top);
            section.PageSetup.Margins.Bottom = InchesToDots(info.PageMargin.Bottom);
            section.PageSetup.Margins.Left = InchesToDots(info.PageMargin.Left);
            section.PageSetup.Margins.Right = InchesToDots(info.PageMargin.Right);

             * Page header

            // ...

             * Page footer

            // ...

            return document;

So far, so well.
If you wonder what’s the result at this point, here is a snapshot:


Please, since I was running out of logo pictures of my “Home Company”, I turned for a picture of my boss, far serious than many CEOs all around the world.
Hope you love her!

Let’s turn page: here the work begins to get harder.
The second page should give a brief overview of what happened at the very beginning. At first glance, the reader should mean WHY the mail has been sent. That’s still pretty easy to do, because it’s just a bunch of “Paragraph” to insert into the current page.

             * Page 2
            //overview (brief description)

Since some lines of text shouldn’t steal much space on the page, I want to place a couple of charts about the most recent evolution of the selected variables.
Later we’ll cover how the chart generation works.

            var chart1 = this.CreateChart(

            var chart2 = this.CreateChart(
                rdp.DateTimeEnd - TimeSpan.FromMinutes(15),


Here is how the second page looks:


The third (and likely last) page is for the tabular view of the most recent data.
Why showing the same data twice?
Because charts and tables aren’t the same thing: each one has its own pros and cons.

             * Page 3

            //data table
            var table = new ReportDataTable();

                //add the date/time column
                var column = new ReportDataTableColumn(
                    new GridLength(1, GridUnitType.Star)


            //add the remaining columns
            foreach(string id in rdp.PlotIds)
                var plot = MyPlotResources.Instance.GetPlot(id);
                var column = new ReportDataTableColumn(
                    new GridLength(0.75, GridUnitType.Pixel)    //inches


                if (table.Columns.Count >= 7)

            //query the DB for the most recent data collected
            using (var sqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection(SQLConnectionString))

                var sqlText =
                    "SELECT * FROM highfieldtales.thistory " +
                    "WHERE __createdAt >= @begin AND __createdAt <= @end " +
                    "ORDER BY __createdAt DESC";

                var cmd = new SqlCommand(

                    new SqlParameter("@begin", rdp.DateTimeBegin)

                    new SqlParameter("@end", rdp.DateTimeEnd)

                using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var row = new ReportDataTableRow();
                        row["Timestamp"] = reader["__createdAt"].ToString();

                        var colName = (string)reader["name"];
                        row[colName] = string.Format(


                        if (table.Rows.Count >= 50)


It’s worthwhile noting that I didn’t use the Table APIs as the library exposes. Again, I wanted to play around the library to face its flexibility.
At the end, I used the “tabulation-technique” and I must admit that the Spire.Doc library is very easy yet very powerful to use.


The very last thing to do is obviously to save the composed document. As described earlier, there’s no a permanent place where the document is stored, rather it is streamed directly as attachment to the mail.
Here below there is the snippet for both the Word- and the PDF-formats, so that the mail will carry two identical reports, then the user can open with the favorite reader.

                //save the document as Word
                var ms = new MemoryStream();

                ms.Position = 0;
                var attachment = new Attachment(

                //save the document as PDF
                var ms = new MemoryStream();

                ms.Position = 0;
                var attachment = new Attachment(


That’s it!

How does it appear on my phone?

I believe it’s funny trying to read a data report on a phone. I mean that even on a relatively small screen you can read the same things as you were on a PC. Well, it’s not as easy as it looks, but I really love it as a start point!

Nice enough!…

Some words about the PDF document creation.

As you know, the Azure Veneziano project has been built against a totally free environment. By the way, the free websites that Azure offers where this WebJob runs, come with some limitation. In this case, the Spire.Doc library require GDI/GDI+ for the PDF generation, and that’s unavailable/unsupported by the Azure free context.
I fully tested the PDF generation in a desktop application, and the result was always perfect. However, if you need the Azure-side PDF generation, I believe there are at least two choices:

  • move the WebJob to a Cloud Service/VM (or any paid context) as suggested here;
  • leverage some online services such as this one, which offers up to 500 documents per months fro free.

The chart generation.

There are plenty of chart libraries on the web, both free and commercial. However, I created my own charting library because I needed several features that they’re hard to find all around. More specifically, my charting library is tailored for our industrial supervisory control systems, where the requirements are very different from, for instance, financial applications.
For the Azure Veneziano project, I took a small fraction of this library, but far enough to render multi-plots, multi-axes, WPF charts.

The usage is pretty simple, although an user may find uselessly verbose the code. Again, that’s because the original library is full-featured, and many functions don’t come easy without a certain dose of source code.

        private FrameworkElement CreateChart(
            ReportDataParameters rdp,
            DateTime dtBeginView,
            DateTime dtEndView
            var uc = new MyChartControl();

             * CHART MODEL
            var cm = new ChartModelXY();
            uc.DataContext = cm;

            foreach (string id in rdp.PlotIds)

            //adds the required axes
            foreach (var plot in cm.Plots)
                var cartesian = plot as ChartPlotCartesianBase;
                if (cartesian != null)
                    ChartAxisBase axis;
                    axis = MyAxisResources.Instance.AddWhenRequired(cm, cartesian.HorizontalAxisId);
                    axis = MyAxisResources.Instance.AddWhenRequired(cm, cartesian.VerticalAxisId);

            //update data from source
            using (var sqlConnection1 = new SqlConnection(SQLConnectionString))

                var sqlText =
                    "SELECT * FROM highfieldtales.thistory " +
                    "WHERE __createdAt >= @begin AND __createdAt <= @end " +
                    "ORDER BY __createdAt ASC";

                var cmd = new SqlCommand(

                    new SqlParameter("@begin", dtBeginView)

                    new SqlParameter("@end", dtEndView)

                using (SqlDataReader reader = cmd.ExecuteReader())
                    while (reader.Read())
                        var timestamp = (DateTimeOffset)reader["__createdAt"];

                        var name = (string)reader["name"];
                        var plot = cm.Plots
                            .FirstOrDefault(_ => _.InstanceId == name);

                        var dbl = plot as ChartPlotCartesianLinear;
                        if (dbl != null)
                            dbl.Points = dbl.Points ?? new List<Point>();

                            var pt = new Point(


            var timeline = cm.Axes

            if (timeline != null)
                timeline.LowestBound = rdp.DateTimeBegin.Ticks;
                timeline.HightestBound = rdp.DateTimeEnd.Ticks;

                timeline.LowerBound = dtBeginView.Ticks;
                timeline.UpperBound = dtEndView.Ticks;

            uc.Measure(new Size(uc.Width, uc.Height));
            uc.Arrange(new Rect(0, 0, uc.Width, uc.Height));


            return uc;

The only “strange” thing is that we actually DO NOT HAVE a WPF application, but something like a Console application, “hidden” somewhere in the Azure cloud.
However, this isn’t surprising at all, because the above code instantiate an UserControl as container for the chart. Once the chart model setup is done, there’s a “fake” measuring+arranging pass, followed by a final rendering against the control’s face.
The very final step is to capture the visual of this usercontrol and save as a bitmap image (PNG format). This image is inserted in the document as usual

        /// <summary>
        /// Render a visual to a bitmap image
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="visual"></param>
        /// <param name="width"></param>
        /// <param name="height"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static System.Drawing.Image SaveImage(
            Visual visual,
            double width,
            double height
            var bitmap = new RenderTargetBitmap(


            var image = new PngBitmapEncoder();
            var ms = new System.IO.MemoryStream();

            return System.Drawing.Image.FromStream(ms);

Thankfully, the free context of Azure supports without any pain the WPF framework.


As said many times, this article closes the project as essential.
From this time on, there will be some other projects which could extend yet improve the base.
Keep in touch!

Azure Veneziano – Part 2

This is the second part of my Internet-of-Things telemetry project based on Azure.

The source of the project is hosted in the azure-veneziano GitHub repository.

Here are the other parts:

In this article I’ll show you how to setup some components of Windows Azure, in order to make the system working.

I won’t cover details such as “how to subscribe to the Azure platform” or similar. Please, consider the several posts around the web, that describes very well how to walk the first steps, as well the benefits coming from the subscription.
A good place to start is here.

The system structure more in depth.

In the previous article there is almost no description about the system structure, mainly because the post is focused on the device. However, since here the key-role is for Azure, it’s better to dig a bit in depth around what’s the target.


On the left there are a couple of Netduinoes as symbol of a generic, small device which interfaces with sensors, collects some data, then sends them to the Azure platform. This section is covered in the first part of the series.
The JSON-over-HTTP data sent by any device are managed by a “custom API” script within the Azure’s “Mobile Services” section. Basically a Node.JS JavaScript function which is called on every device’s HTTP request.
This script has two major tasks to do:

  1. parse the incoming JSON data, then store them into a SQL database;
  2. “wake-up” the webjob, because new data should be processed.

The database is a normal Azure SQL instance, where only two simple tables are necessary for this project. One is for holding the current variables state, that is every single datum instance incoming from any device. The other table depicts the “history” of the incoming data, that is the evolution of the state. This is very useful for analysis.

Finally, there is the “webjob”.
A webjob could be seen as a service or, more likely, as a console application. You can put (almost) anything into this .Net app, then it can started anytime. What I need is something like a endlessly running app, but in a “free-context” this service is shut-down after 20-30 minutes. That’s the way I used a trick to “wake it up” using kinda trigger from the script. Whenever new data are incoming the app is started, but can stay stopped whenever nothing happens.
The webjob task is just sending a mail upon a certain condition is met. In this article I won’t show anything sophisticated, than a very short plain-text mail. The primary goal here is setting up the Azure platform, and testing the infrastructure: in the next articles we’ll add several pieces in order to make this project very nice.

Looks nice, but…how much does cost all that?

Just two words about the cost of the Azure platform.
Entering into the Azure portal is much like as walking in Venezia: full of intriguing corners, each one different from others, and always full of surprises. The platform is really huge, but surprisingly simple to use.


I say that I was surprised, because you’ll be also surprised by realizing that many stuffs come for FREE. Unless you want to scale up (and get more professional) this project, your bill will stick to ZERO.

Setup the mobile service.

The Mobile Services are the most important components in order to interface any mobile device. The “mobile” term is rather oriented to devices like phones or small boards, but the services could be accessed even from a normal PC.
The first thing to do is create your own mobile service: this task couldn’t be more easy…


Type in your favorite service name, which has to be an unique identifier worldwide (as far I know).
About the database, ensure to pick the “Create a free 20 MB SQL database” (if you don’t have one yet), and the wizard will create automatically for you.
Two more parameters: select the closest region to you to host the service, then choose “JavaScript” as backend language for the management.


If you are creating a new database, you’ll face a second page in the wizard. Simply you have to specify the credentials to use to gain access to the database.


That’s all: within a few your brand new mobile service should be ready. The below sample view gives an overview about the service.

Please, notice that there are links where you can download sample apps/templates already configured with your own parameters!…Dumb-proof!


Also have a look at the bottom toolbar, where a “manage keys” button pops up some strange strings. Those strings are the ones that you should specify in the Netduino (and any other device) in order to gain access to the Azure Mobile Service.

        public static void Main()
            //istantiate a new Azure-mobile service client
            var ms = new MobileServiceClient(
                "(your service name)",
                applicationId: "(your application-id)",
                masterKey: "(your master key)"

The next task to do is about creating the database tables.
We need just three tables, and (even surprising) we don’t need to specify any column-schema: it will created automatically upon the JSON structure defined in the Netduino device software. This feature is by default, but you can disable it in the “configure” section, with the “dynamic schema” switch.

Table name Purpose
tdevices Each record is paired to a remote device and holds identification and status data of it.
tsensors Each record is paired to a “variable” defined by a certain device somewhere and holds identification and status data of it.
thistory Each record stores the value of a certain variable at the time it arrives on the server, or marks an event occurred. Think the table as a queue, where you can query the records in order to depict a certain variable’s value evolution over time.


Press “create” and enter “tsensors”, then ensure checked the “enable soft delete” and confirm. Repeat the same for both the “tdevices” and the “thistory” tables, and your task is over.
The “soft delete” feature marks a record as “deleted” and keeps it, instead of removing from the table. You should enable this feature when you deal with concurrency. I personally think it is useful even for a simple dubugging. The problem is that is up to you “cleaning” the obsolete records.


The last section to setup within the Mobile Service context is the “Custom API“, that is the code to run upon any incoming data request.
Simply select the “API” section, then press “create”.


The wizard will ask you the name of the new API, as well as the permission grants to access it.
Back to the Netduino code, the API’s name should be specified on any request.

                    //execute the query against the server

Technically speaking, the name is the very last segment of the URI path which maps the request against Azure.



At this point you can begin to type the script in.

The device-side entry-point for the data.

The handler for the incoming requests is just a JavaScript function. Better: one function per HTTP method. However, since the primary goal is pushing data from a device into the server, the method used is POST (CREATE, in the REST terminology) all the times.
The JavaScript environment comes with Node.Js, which is very easy yet compact to use. I’m NOT a JavaScript addict, but honestly I didn’t have much effort in coding what I wanted.
The “script” section of the API allows to edit your script as you were on Visual Studio. The only missing piece is the Intellisense, but for JavaScript I don’t need it actually.


The script we need is structured as follows:

exports.post = function(request, response) {

    // section: wake-up the webjob
    // section: update/insert the device's info into the "tdevices" table

    // section: update/insert the device's data into the "tsensors" table

    // section: append the device's data to the "thistory" table


Let’s face the database updating first.
For the “tdevices” table the script is as follows:

    var devicesTable = request.service.tables.getTable("tdevices");
    var sensorsTable = request.service.tables.getTable("tsensors");
    var historyTable = request.service.tables.getTable("thistory");
    //update/insert the device's info record
        devId: incomingData.devId
        success: function(results) {
            var deviceData = {
                devId: incomingData.devId,
                version: incomingData.ver
            var flush = false;            
            if (results.length > 0) {
                //We found a record, update some values in it
                flush = (results[0].version != deviceData.version);
                results[0].devId = deviceData.devId;
                results[0].version = deviceData.version;
                //Respond to the client
                console.log("Updated device", deviceData);
                request.respond(200, deviceData);
            } else {
                //Perform the insert in the DB

                //Reply with 201 (created) and the updated item
                console.log("Added new device", deviceData);
                request.respond(201, deviceData);

As the data come in, the first thing is to look for the correspondent existent entry in the “tdevices” table, using the device’s identification as key. If the record does exist, it will be “updated”, otherwise a new entry will be added.
Upon an update, the logic here is comparing the incoming “configuration” version with the corresponding value stored in the table. If they don’t match, the “flush” flag is set, which serves to the next step to remove all the obsolete “sensor” entries.

When the operation on the “tdevices” table is over, begins the one on the “tsensors” and the “thistory” tables.
As in the previous snippet, first there is a selection of the records of “tsensors” marked as owned by the current device identifier. Then, if the “flush” flag is set, all the records are (marked as) deleted.
Finally, the data contained in the incoming message are scanned one item at once. For each variable, it looks for the corresponding entry in the recordset, then either update it or add a new record if wasn’t found.
Any item present in the message is also appended “as-is” to the “thistory” table.

    //update/insert the device's data record
    function manageSensorTable(flush) {
            devId: incomingData.devId
            success: function(results) {
                if (flush) {
                    //flush any existent sensor record related to the involved device
                    console.log("Flush sensors data");
                    for (var i = 0; i < results.length; i++) {
                for (var i = 0; i < incomingSensorArray.length; i++) {
                    var sensorData = {
                        devId: incomingData.devId,
                        name: incomingSensorArray[i].name, 
                        value: incomingSensorArray[i].value
                    //find the index of the related sensor
                    var index = flush ? 0 : results.length;
                    while (--index >= 0) {
                        if (results[index].name == sensorData.name)
                    if (index >= 0) {
                        //record found, so update some values in it
                        results[index].devId = sensorData.devId;
                        results[index].name = sensorData.name;
                        results[index].value = sensorData.value;
                    } else {
                        //Perform the insert in the DB
                    //insert the record in the historian table
                    historyTable.insert(sensorData, {
                        success: function() {
                            //do nothing

The last but not least piece of script is for waking up the webjob.
Please, note that my usage of the webjob is rather uncommon, but I think it’s the best compromise. The trade is between the Azure “free-context” limitations, and the desired service availability. The result is a webjob configured as “running continuously”, but is shut down by the platform when there’s no external “stimulation”. The trick is to “wake up” the webjob only when necessary by invoking a fake call to its site.
Have a look at my question on StackOverflow on how to solve the problem.

        //access the webjob's API so that it'll wake up
        var wakeup_request = require('request');
        var username = "azureveneziano\$azureveneziano";
        var password = "(web-site-password)";
        var uri = 
            "http://" + 
            username + ":" + password + "@" +
        wakeup_request(uri, function(error, response, body) {
            if (error) {
                console.error("scm failed:", error);

At the end, it’s a trivial dummy read to the webjob deployment site. This read wakes up or keeps awaken the webjob.

Please, notice that all the “console” calls are useful only during the debugging stage: you should remove them when the system is stable enough.

If everything goes well, the Netduino should send some data to the Azure API, and the database should fill.
Here is an example of what the “tsensors” table may contain:


Creating and deploying the webjob.

To understand what a “webjob” is, I suggest to read the Scott Hanselman’s article.
Since a webjob is part of a web-site, you must create one first. Azure offers up to 10 web-sites for free, so that isn’t a problem. At the moment, I don’t use any “real” web-site (meaning pages), but I need the registration.
The procedure of registration, deployment and related task can be easily managed from within Visual Studio.

When I started the project I used Visual Studio Express 2013 for Web, and the Update 4 CTP allowed such a management. Since a few days, there’s another great alternative: Visual Studio 2013 Community, which comes out with Update 4 released, but offers also a lot of useful features.
The following snapshots were taken on the Express release, but should be similar on other editions.

Start Visual Studio and create a “Microsoft Azure Webjob” project, and give it the proper name.


As you may notice, the solution composition looks almost the same as a normal Console application.
In order to add the proper references, just choose the “Manage NuGet packages” from the project’s contextual menu.


Firstly install the base “Microsoft.Azure.Webjobs” package as follows:


Then install the “Microsoft Webjobs Publish” package:


Finally install the “Windows Azure Storage” package:


Since this webjob will “run continuously”, but will be actually shut down often, the very first thing to add to the code is a procedure for detecting the shutting request, so that to exit the application gracefully.
This piece of code isn’t mine, so I invite to read the original article by Amit Apple about the trick.

            #region Graceful-shutdown watcher

             * Implement the code for a graceful shutdown
             * http://blog.amitapple.com/post/2014/05/webjobs-graceful-shutdown/

            //get the shutdown file path from the environment
            string shutdownFile = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("WEBJOBS_SHUTDOWN_FILE");

            //set the flag to alert the incoming shutdown
            bool isRunning = true;

            // Setup a file system watcher on that file's directory to know when the file is created
            var fileSystemWatcher = new FileSystemWatcher(

            //define the FileSystemWatcher callback
            FileSystemEventHandler fswHandler = (_s, _e) =>
                if (_e.FullPath.IndexOf(Path.GetFileName(shutdownFile), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0)
                    // Found the file mark this WebJob as finished
                    isRunning = false;

            fileSystemWatcher.Created += fswHandler;
            fileSystemWatcher.Changed += fswHandler;
            fileSystemWatcher.NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.CreationTime | NotifyFilters.FileName | NotifyFilters.LastWrite;
            fileSystemWatcher.IncludeSubdirectories = false;
            fileSystemWatcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true;

            Console.WriteLine("Running and waiting " + DateTime.UtcNow);


At this point you might add some blocking code, and test what happens. As in the Amit’s article:

       // Run as long as we didn't get a shutdown notification
        while (isRunning)
            // Here is my actual work
            Console.WriteLine("Running and waiting " + DateTime.UtcNow);

        Console.WriteLine("Stopped " + DateTime.UtcNow);

Before deploying the webjob onto Azure, we should check the “webjob-publish-settings” file which is part of the project. Basically, we should adjust the file in order to instruct the server to run the webjob continuously. Here is an example:

  "$schema": "http://schemastore.org/schemas/json/webjob-publish-settings.json",
  "webJobName": "AzureVenezianoWebJob",
  "startTime": null,
  "endTime": null,
  "jobRecurrenceFrequency": null,
  "interval": null,
  "runMode": "Continuous"

Open the project’s contextual menu, and choose the “Publish as Azure Webjob” item. A wizard like this one will open:


We should specify the target web-site from this dialog:


If the web-site is not existent yet, we should create a new one:


When everything has been collected for the deployment, we can validate the connection, then proceed to the publication.


Once the webjob has been published, it should placed to run immediately. To test whether the shut down will happen gracefully, simply leave the system as is, and go to take a cup of coffee. After 20-30 minutes, you can check what really happened in the webjob’s log.

Please, note that it’s important that you leave any webjobs’ status page of the Azure portal during the test. It would hold alive the service without really shutting it down.

Enter in the “websites” category, then in the “Webjobs” section:


At this point you should see the status as “running” or being changing to. Click the link below the “LOGS” column, and a special page will open:


This mini-portal is a really nice diagnostic tool for the webjobs. You should able to trace both explicit “Console” logs and also exceptions. To reveal the proper flow of the webjob, you should check the timestamps, as well as the messages such as:

[11/03/2014 07:03:53 > bb4862: INFO] Stopped 11/3/2014 7:03:53 AM

The mail alert application.

Most of the material inherent to this article has been shown. However, I just would to close this part with a “concrete” sign of what the project should do. On the next article I’ll focus almost entirely on the webjob code, where the system could considered finished (many things will follow, though).

As described above, as soon a message from any device calls the API, the webjob is waken up (in case is stopped), and the data are pushed in the database.
The webjob task should pick those data out, and detect what is changed. However, the API and the webjob execution are almost asynchronous each other, so it’s better to leave the webjob running and polling for other “news”. On the other hands, when something changes by a remote point, it might be possible that something else will change too in a short time. This is another reason for leaving the webjob running until the platform shuts it down.

I don’t want to dig into details here: this will be argument for the next article. The only important thing is how the data are read periodically (about 10 seconds here) from the server. The data read are copied in a local in-memory model, for ease of interaction with the language.
At the end of each poll, the variable which are changed since the previous poll are marked with the corresponding flag. Immediately after, the program flow yields the execution of a custom logic, that is what the system should do upon a certain status.

        private const string connectionString =
            "Server=tcp:(your-sqlserver-name).database.windows.net,1433;" +
            "Database=highfieldtales;" +
            "User ID=(your-sqlserver-username);" +
            "Password=(your-sqlserver-password);" +
            "Trusted_Connection=False;" +
            "Encrypt=True;" +
            "Connection Timeout=30;";

        static void Main()
            // ...

            //create and open the connection in a using block. This 
            //ensures that all resources will be closed and disposed 
            //when the code exits. 
            using (var connection = new SqlConnection(connectionString))
                //create the Command object
                var command = new SqlCommand(
                    "SELECT * FROM highfieldtales.tsensors WHERE __deleted = 0",

                //open the connection in a try/catch block.  
                //create and execute the DataReader, writing the result 
                //set to the console window. 

                    //run as long as we didn't get a shutdown notification
                    int jobTimer = 0;
                    while (isRunning)
                        if (++jobTimer > 10)
                            jobTimer = 0;

                            //extract all the variables from the DB table
                            using (SqlDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader())
                                while (reader.Read())
                                     * update the local in-memory model with the
                                     * data read from the SQL database


                            //detect the most recent update timestamp as the new reference
                            foreach (LogicVar lvar in MachineStatus.Instance.Variables.Values)
                                if (lvar.LastUpdate > machine.LastUpdate)
                                    machine.LastUpdate = lvar.LastUpdate;

                            //invoke the custom logic

                catch (Exception ex)

            // ...

Let’s say that this piece of code is “fixed”. Regardless what the system should react upon the status, this section will be always the same. For this reason there’s a special, well-defined area where we could write our own business logic.
Here is a very simple example:

    class CustomLogic
        : ICustomLogic

        public void Run()
            LogicVar analog0 = MachineStatus.Instance.Variables["Analog0"];
            LogicVar analog1 = MachineStatus.Instance.Variables["Analog1"];

            if ((analog0.IsChanged || analog1.IsChanged) &&
                (double)analog0.Value > (double)analog1.Value
                var mail = new MailMessage();
                mail.Body = "The value of Analog0 is greater than Analog1.";


If you remember, the “Analog0” and “Analog1” are two variables sent by the Netduino. When I turn the trimpots so that:

  • any of the two variables is detected as changed, and…
  • the “Analog0” value becomes greater than the “Analog1” value…

…then an e-mail message is created and sent to me…(!)

Here is what I see on my mailbox:



This article looks long, but it isn’t actually so: there are a lot of picture because the Azure setup walkthrough.
Azure experts may say that a more straightforward solution would be using a Message-Hub instead of a tricky way to trigger a webjob. Well, yes and no. I didn’t find a way to “peek” what’s inside a queue without removing its content, as long as other problems to solve.
This is much more an experimental project built on the Azure “sandbox”, than a definitive optimal way to structure a telemetry system. However, I believe that’s a very good point to start, take practice, then refine your own project.

In the next article, I’ll show how to create a better (yet useful) mail alerting component.

Azure Veneziano – Part 1

Microsoft Azure logo
Microsoft Azure logo

This is the the first part of a series, where I’ll present a telemetry project as a classic “Internet of Things” (IoT) showcase. The project starts as very basic, but it’ll grow up in the next parts by adding several useful components.
The central-role is for Microsoft Azure, but other sections will space over several technologies.

The source of the project is hosted in the azure-veneziano GitHub repository.


This project was born as a sandbox for digging into cloud technologies, which may applies to our control-systems. I wanted to walk almost every single corner of a real control-system (kinda SCADA, if you like), for understanding benefits and limitations of a full-centralized solution.
By the way, I was also inspired by my friend Laurent Ellerbach, who published a very well-written article on how to create your own garden sprinkler system. Overall, I loved the mixture of different components which can be “glued” (a.k.a. interconnected) together: it seems that we’re facing a milestone, where the flexibility offered by those technologies are greater than our fantasy.
At the time of writing, Laurent is translating his article from French to English, so I’m waiting for the new link. In the meantime, here’s an equivalent presentation who held in Kiev, Ukraine, not long ago.

UPDATE: the Laurent’s article is now available here.

Why the name “Azure Veneziano”?

If any of you had the chance to visit my city, probably also saw in action some of the famous glass-makers of Murano. The “Blu Veneziano” is a particular tone of blue, which is often used for the glass.
I just wanted to honor Venezia, but also mention the “color” of the framework used, hence the name!

The system structure.

The system is structured as a producer-consumer, where:

  • the data producer is one (or more) “mobile devices”, which sample and sometime collect data from sensors;
  • the data broker, storage and business layer are deployed on Azure, where the main logic works;
  • the data consumers are both the logic and the final user (myself in this case), who monitor the system.

In this introductory article I’ll focus the first section, using a single Netduino Plus 2 board as data producer.

Netduino as the data producer.

In the IoT perspective, the Netduino plays the “Mobile device” role. Basically, it’s a subject which plays the role of a hardware-software thin-interface, so that the converted data can be sent to a server (Azure, in this case). Just think to a temperature sensor, which is wired to an ADC, and a logic gets the numeric value and sends to Azure. However, here I won’t detail a “real-sensor” system, rather a small simulation as anyone can do in minutes.
Moreover, since I introduced the project as “telemetry”, the data flow is only “outgoing” the Netduino. It means that there’s (still) no support to send “commands” to the board. Let’s stick to the simpler implementation possible.

The hardware.

The circuit is very easy.


Two trimpots: each one provide a voltage swinging from 0.0 to 3.3 V to the respective analog input. That is, the Netduino’s internal ADC will convert the voltage as a floating-point (Double) value, which ranges from 0.0 to 100.0 (for sake of readiness, meaning it as it were a percent).
There are also two toggle-switches. Each one is connected to a discrete (Boolean) input, which should be configured with an internal pull-up. When the switch is open, the pull-up resistor takes the input value to the “high” level (true). When the switch is closed to the ground, it takes the value to the “low” level, being its resistance lower than the pull-up. and two switches.
If you notice, there’s a low-value resistor in series to each switch: I used a 270 Ohms-valued, but it’s not critical at all. The purpose is just to protect the Netduino input from mistakes. Just imagine a wrong setting of the pin actually configured as an output: what if the output would set the high-level when the switch is closed to the ground? Probably the output won’t fry, but the stress on that port isn’t a good thing.

All those “virtual” sensors can be seen from a programmer perspective as two Double- and two Boolean-values. The funny thing is that I can modify their value with my fingers!


Again, no matter here what could be the real sensor. I’d like to overhaul the hardware section for those who don’t like/understand so much about electronics. There are many ready-to-use modules/shields to connect, which avoid (or minimize) the chance to deal with the hardware.

Some virtual ports and my…laziness.

Believe me, I’m lazy.
Despite I’m having a lot of fun by playing with those hardware/software things, I really don’t like to stay spinning all the time the trimpots or sliding the switches, but I need some data changing overtime. So, I created a kind of (software) virtual port.
This port will be detailed below, and its task is to mimic a “real” hardware port. From the data production perspective it’s not different from the real ports, but way easier to manage, especially in a testing/demo session.
This concept of the “virtual port” is very common even in the high-end systems. Just think to a diagnostic section of the device, which collects data from non-physical sources (e.g. memory usage, cpu usage, etc)

The software.

Since the goal is posting on a server the data read by the Netduino, we should carefully choose the best way to do it.
The simplest way to connect a Netduino Plus 2 to the rest of the world is using the Ethernet cable. That’s fine, at least for the prototype, because the goal is reach the Internet.
About the protocol, among the several protocols available to exchange data with Azure, I think the simplest yet well-known approach is using HTTP. Also bear in mind that there’s no any “special” protocol in the current Netduino/.Net Micro Framework implementation.
The software running in the board is very simple. It can be structured as follows:

  • the main application, as the primary logic of the device;
  • some hardware port wrappers as data-capturing helpers;
  • a HTTP-client optimized for Azure-mobile data exchange;
  • a JSON DOM with serialization/deserialization capabilities;

The data transfer is normal HTTP. As the time of writing, the .Net Micro-Framework still did not offer any HTTPS support, so the data are flowing unsecured.

The first part of the main application is about the ports definition. It’s not particularly different than the classic declaration, but the ports are “wrapped” with a custom piece of code.

         * Hardware input ports definition

        private static InputPortWrapper _switch0 = new InputPortWrapper(

        private static InputPortWrapper _switch1 = new InputPortWrapper(

        private static AnalogInputWrapper _analog0 = new AnalogInputWrapper(

        private static AnalogInputWrapper _analog1 = new AnalogInputWrapper(

The port wrappers.

The aims of the port wrappers are double:

  • yield a better abstraction over a generic input port;
  • manage the “has-changed” flag, especially for non-discrete values as the analogs.

Let’s have a peek at the AnalogInputWrapper class, for instance:

    /// <summary>
    /// Wrapper around the standard <see cref="Microsoft.SPOT.Hardware.AnalogInput"/>
    /// </summary>
    public class AnalogInputWrapper
        : AnalogInput, IInputDouble
        public AnalogInputWrapper(
            string name,
            Cpu.AnalogChannel channel,
            double scale,
            double offset,
            double normalizedTolerance = 0.05
            : base(channel, scale, offset, 12)
            this.Name = name;

            //precalculate the absolute variation window 
            //around the reference (old) sampled value
            this._absoluteToleranceDelta = scale * normalizedTolerance;

        private double _oldValue = double.NegativeInfinity; //undefined
        private double _absoluteToleranceDelta;

        public string Name { get; private set; }
        public double Value { get; private set; }
        public bool HasChanged { get; private set; }

        public bool Sample()
            this.Value = this.Read();

            //detect the variation
            bool hasChanged =
                this.Value < (this._oldValue - this._absoluteToleranceDelta) ||
                this.Value > (this._oldValue + this._absoluteToleranceDelta);

            if (hasChanged)
                //update the reference (old) value
                this._oldValue = this.Value;

            return (this.HasChanged = hasChanged);

        // ...


The class derives from the original AnalogInput port, but exposes the “Sample” method to capture the ADC value (Read method). The purpose is similar to a classic Sample-and-Hold structure, but there is a compare algorithm which detect the new value’s variation.
Basically, a “tolerance” parameter (normalized) has to be defined for the port (default is 5%). When a new sample is performed, its value is compared in reference to the “old value”, plus the tolerance-window around the old-value itself. When the new value falls outside the window, the official port’s value is marked as “changed”, and the old-value replaced with the new one.
This trick is very useful, because allows to avoid useless (and false) changes of the value. Even a little noise on the power rail can produce a small instability over the ADC nominal sampled value. However, we need just a “concrete” variation.

The above class implements the IInputDouble interface as well. This interface comes also from another, more abstract interface.

    /// <summary>
    /// Double-valued input port specialization
    /// </summary>
    public interface IInputDouble
        : IInput
        /// <summary>
        /// The sampled input port value
        /// </summary>
        double Value { get; }

    /// <summary>
    /// Generic input port abstraction
    /// </summary>
    public interface IInput
        /// <summary>
        /// Friendly name of the port
        /// </summary>
        string Name { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Indicate whether the port value has changed
        /// </summary>
        bool HasChanged { get; }

        /// <summary>
        /// Perform the port sampling
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        bool Sample();

        /// <summary>
        /// Append to the container an object made up
        /// with the input port status
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="container"></param>
        void Serialize(JArray container);

Those interfaces yield a better abstraction over the different kinds of port: AnalogInput, InputPort and RampGenerator.

The RampGenerator as virtual port.

As mentioned earlier, there’s a “false-wrapper” because it does NOT wrap any port, but it WORKS as it were a standard port. The benefit become from the interfaces abstraction.
In order to PRODUCE data overtime for the demo, I wanted something automatic but also “well-known”. I may have used a random-number generator, but…how to detect an error or a wrong sequence over a random stream of numbers? Better to rely on a perfectly shaped wave, being periodic, so I can easily check the correct order of the samples on the server, but any missing/multiple datum as well.
As a periodic signal you can choose whatever you want. A sine is maybe the most famous periodic wave, but the goal is testing the system, not having something nice to see. A simple “triangle-wave” generator, is just a linear ramp rising-then-falling, indefinitely.

    /// <summary>
    /// Virtual input port simulating a triangle waveform
    /// </summary>
    public class RampGenerator
        : IInputInt32
        public RampGenerator(
            string name,
            int period,
            int scale,
            int offset
            this.Name = name;
            this.Period = period;
            this.Scale = scale;
            this.Offset = offset;

            //the wave being subdivided in 40 slices
            this._stepPeriod = this.Period / 40;

            //vertical direction: 1=rise; -1=fall
            this._rawDirection = 1;

        // ...

        public bool Sample()
            bool hasChanged = false;

            if (++this._stepTimer <= 0)
                //very first sampling
                this.Value = this.Offset;
                hasChanged = true;
            else if (this._stepTimer >= this._stepPeriod)
                if (this._rawValue >= 10)
                    //hit the upper edge, then begin to fall
                    this._rawValue = 10;
                    this._rawDirection = -1;
                else if (this._rawValue <= -10)
                    //hit the lower edge, then begin to rise
                    this._rawValue = -10;
                    this._rawDirection = 1;

                this._rawValue += this._rawDirection;
                this.Value = this.Offset + (int)(this.Scale * (this._rawValue / 10.0));
                hasChanged = true;
                this._stepTimer = 0;
            return (this.HasChanged = hasChanged);

        // ...


Here is how a triangle-wave looks in a scope (it’s a 100 Hz, just to give an idea).


Of course, I may have used a normal bench wave-generator as a physical signal source, as in the snapshot right above. That would have been more realistic, but the expected wave period would have been too short (i.e. too fast) and the “changes” with consequent message upload too frequent. A software-based signal generator is well suited for very-long periods, like many minutes.

The HTTP client.

As described above, the data are sent to the server via normal (unsecured) HTTP. The Netduino Plus 2 does not offer any HTTP client, but some primitives which help to create your own.
Without digging much into, the client is rather simple. If you know how a basic HTTP transaction works, then you’ll have no difficulty to understand what the code does.

    /// <summary>
    /// HTTP Azure-mobile service client 
    /// </summary>
    public class MobileServiceClient
        public const string Read = "GET";
        public const string Create = "POST";
        public const string Update = "PATCH";

        // ...

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new client for HTTP Azure-mobile servicing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serviceName">The name of the target service</param>
        /// <param name="applicationId">The application ID</param>
        /// <param name="masterKey">The access secret-key</param>
        public MobileServiceClient(
            string serviceName,
            string applicationId,
            string masterKey
            this.ServiceName = serviceName;
            this.ApplicationId = applicationId;
            this.MasterKey = masterKey;

            this._baseUri = "http://" + this.ServiceName + ".azure-mobile.net/";

        // ..

        private JToken OperateCore(
            Uri uri,
            string method,
            JToken data
            //create a HTTP request
            using (var request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(uri))
                //set-up headers
                var headers = new WebHeaderCollection();
                headers.Add("X-ZUMO-APPLICATION", this.ApplicationId);
                headers.Add("X-ZUMO-MASTER", this.MasterKey);

                request.Method = method;
                request.Headers = headers;
                request.Accept = JsonMimeType;

                if (data != null)
                    //serialize the data to upload
                    string serialization = JsonHelpers.Serialize(data);
                    byte[] byteData = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(serialization);
                    request.ContentLength = byteData.Length;
                    request.ContentType = JsonMimeType;
                    request.UserAgent = "Micro Framework";

                    using (Stream postStream = request.GetRequestStream())

                //wait for the response
                using (var response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse())
                using (var stream = response.GetResponseStream())
                using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream))
                    //deserialize the received data
                    return JsonHelpers.Parse(


The above code derived from an old project, but here are actually just few lines of code of that release. However, I want to mention the source for who’s interested in.

As the Azure Mobile Services offer, there are two kind of APIs which can be called: table- (Database) and custom-API-operations. Again, I’ll detail those features on the next article.
The key-role is for the OperateCore method, which is a private entry-point for both the table- and the custom-API-requests. All Azure needs is some special HTTP-headers, which should contain the identification keys for gaining access to the platform.
The request’s content is just a JSON document, that is simple plain-text.

The main application.

When the program starts, first creates an instance of the Azure Mobile HTTP-Client (Zumo), then wraps all the port references within an array, for ease of management.
Notice that there are also two “special” ports called “RampGenerator”. In this demo there are two wave-generators with a period of 1200 and 1800 seconds, respectively. Their ranges are also slightly different, but just for less confusion in the data verification.
The ability to fit all the ports in a single array, then treat them as they were an unique entity is the benefit offered by the interfaces abstraction.

        public static void Main()
            //istantiate a new Azure-mobile service client
            var ms = new MobileServiceClient(
                "(your service name)",
                applicationId: "(your application-id)",
                masterKey: "(your master key)"

            //collect all the input ports as an array
            var inputPorts = new IInput[]
                new RampGenerator("Ramp20min", 1200, 100, 0),
                new RampGenerator("Ramp30min", 1800, 150, 50),

After the initialization, the program runs in a loop forever, and about every second all the ports are sampled. Upon any “concrete” variation, a JSON message is wrapped up with the new values, then sent to the server.

            //loops forever
            while (true)
                bool hasChanged = false;

                //perform the logic sampling for every port of the array
                for (int i = 0; i < inputPorts.Length; i++)
                    if (inputPorts[i].Sample())
                        hasChanged = true;

                if (hasChanged)
                    //something has changed, so wrap up the data transaction
                    var jobj = new JObject();
                    jobj["devId"] = "01234567";
                    jobj["ver"] = 987654321;

                    var jdata = new JArray();
                    jobj["data"] = jdata;

                    //append only the port data which have been changed
                    for (int i = 0; i < inputPorts.Length; i++)
                        IInput port;
                        if ((port = inputPorts[i]).HasChanged)

                    //execute the query against the server

                //invert the led status
                    _led.Read() == false

                //take a rest...

The composition of the JSON message is maybe the simplest part, because the Linq-way of my Micro-JSON library.
The led toggling is just a visual heartbeat-monitor.

The message schema.

In my mind, there should be more than just a single board. Better: a more realistic system should connect several devices, even different from each other. Then, each device should provide its own data, and all the data incoming into the server would compose a big-bunch of “variables”.
For this reason, it’s important to distinguish the data originating source, and a kind of “device-identification”, unique in the system, is included in every message.
Moreover, I’d think that the set of variables exposed by a device could be changed any time. For example, I may add some new sensors, re-arrange the input ports, or even adjust some data type. All that means the “configuration is changed”, and the server should be informed about that. That’s because there’s a “version-identification” as well.

Then are the real sensors data. It’s just an array of Javascript objects, each one providing the port (sensor) name and its value.
However, the array will include only the port marked as “changed”. This trick yields at least two advantages:

  • the message length carries only the useful data;
  • the approach is rather “loose-coupled”: the server synchronizes automatically.

Each variable serialization is accomplished by the relative method declared in the IInput interface. Here is an example for the analog port:

        public void Serialize(JArray container)
            var jsens = new JObject();
            jsens["name"] = this.Name;
            jsens["value"] = this.Value;

Here is the initial message, which always carries all the values:

  "devId": "01234567",
  "ver": 987654321,
  "data": [
      "name": "Switch0",
      "value": true
      "name": "Switch1",
      "value": true
      "name": "Ramp20min",
      "value": 0
      "name": "Ramp30min",
      "value": 50
      "name": "Analog0",
      "value": 0.073260073260073
      "name": "Analog1",
      "value": 45.079365079365

After that, we can adjust the trimpots and the switches in order to produce a “change”. Upon any of the detected changes, a message is composed and issued:

Single change Multiple changes
  "devId": "01234567",
  "ver": 987654321,
  "data": [
      "name": "Analog1",
      "value": 52.503052503053
  "devId": "01234567",
  "ver": 987654321,
  "data": [
      "name": "Switch1",
      "value": false
      "name": "Analog1",
      "value": 75.946275946276


It’s easy to realize that this project is very basic, and there are many sections that could be improved. For example, there’s no any rescue of the program when an exception is thrown. However, I wanted to keep the application at a very introductory level.
It’s time to wire your own prototype, because in the next article we’ll see how to set-up the Azure platform for the data elaboration.

Numpad’s decimal-point correction for WPF

numpadJust a quick-and-dirty solution for solving the tedious problem of the numpad’s decimal-point insertion where the culture require something different than a dot “.”.

The problem.

Many of you, who aren’t using a dot as decimal separator, maybe noticed that the character issued by the numeric-pad is always a doe, regardless the OS settings. In Italy, for instance, we’re using the comma as decimal separator.
You know, if you type the wrong character, the number won’t be recognized as valid (sometimes even worse, because it’s mistaken as valid).
If you try to open Notepad or any raw-input application, you’ll notice that there’s no way to “hack” the Windows settings in order to correctly input the numeric-pad “point” as a comma. By the way, if you enter a number in Microsoft Excel or so, the character is actually a comma.
Looks like the translation is something managed by the application.

It’s not so simple, though.
Imagine to write your own application (WPF in my case), and have a series of textboxes. Whereas a textbox used for entering a number (e.g. most physical units) would be fine having a “translation” to a comma, when another textbox used for an IP-pattern, clearly should *NOT* be translated any time.
Looks like that some countries use a different punctuation for generic numbers and for currency: my “neighbor” friends of Switzerland do use the comma for any number but currency, where the dot is preferred.

The solution.

Here is a solution, but I believe is difficult to satisfy all the developers’ habits. I just opted for a simple attached-property, as “behavior” to any TextBoxBase object, which “intercepts” the Decimal key (the numpad’s DP) and replaces it with the proper one.

namespace DecimalPointCorrectorDemo
    public enum DecimalPointCorrectionMode
        /// <summary>
        /// (Default) No correction is applied, and any style
        /// inherited setting may influence the correction behavior.
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Enable the decimal-point correction for generic numbers.
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Enable the decimal-point correction for currency numbers.
        /// </summary>

        /// <summary>
        /// Enable the decimal-point correction for percent-numbers.
        /// </summary>

    /// <summary>
    /// General purpose container for <see cref="System.Windows.Controls.TextBox"/> helpers.
    /// </summary>
    public static class TextBoxHelper

        #region DPA DecimalPointCorrection

        public static readonly DependencyProperty DecimalPointCorrectionProperty = DependencyProperty.RegisterAttached(
            new UIPropertyMetadata(

        public static DecimalPointCorrectionMode GetDecimalPointCorrection(TextBoxBase obj)
            return (DecimalPointCorrectionMode)obj.GetValue(DecimalPointCorrectionProperty);

        public static void SetDecimalPointCorrection(TextBoxBase obj, DecimalPointCorrectionMode value)
            obj.SetValue(DecimalPointCorrectionProperty, value);


        private static void DecimalPointCorrectionChanged(
            object sender,
            DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args
            var tbox = (TextBoxBase)sender;

            //remove any existent event subscription
            switch ((DecimalPointCorrectionMode)args.OldValue)
                case DecimalPointCorrectionMode.Number:
                case DecimalPointCorrectionMode.Currency:
                case DecimalPointCorrectionMode.Percent:
                    tbox.PreviewKeyDown -= tbox_PreviewKeyDown;

            //subscribe the event handler, whereas necessary
            switch ((DecimalPointCorrectionMode)args.NewValue)
                case DecimalPointCorrectionMode.Number:
                case DecimalPointCorrectionMode.Currency:
                case DecimalPointCorrectionMode.Percent:
                    tbox.PreviewKeyDown += tbox_PreviewKeyDown;

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        static void tbox_PreviewKeyDown(object sender, KeyEventArgs e)
            //filter the numpad's decimal-point key only
            if (e.Key == System.Windows.Input.Key.Decimal)
                //mark the event as handled, so no further action will take place
                e.Handled = true;

                //grab the originating texbox control...
                var tbox = (TextBoxBase)sender;

                //the current correction mode...
                var mode = TextBoxHelper.GetDecimalPointCorrection(tbox);

                //and the culture of the thread involved (UI)
                var culture = Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture;

                //surrogate the blocked key pressed

        /// <summary>
        /// Insertion of the proper decimal-point as part of the textbox content
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="tbox"></param>
        /// <param name="mode"></param>
        /// <param name="culture"></param>
        /// <remarks>
        /// Typical "async-void" pattern as "fire-and-forget" behavior.
        /// </remarks>
        private static async void SimulateDecimalPointKeyPress(
            TextBoxBase tbox,
            DecimalPointCorrectionMode mode,
            CultureInfo culture
            //select the proper decimal-point string upon the context
            string replace;
            switch (mode)
                case DecimalPointCorrectionMode.Number:
                    replace = culture.NumberFormat.NumberDecimalSeparator;

                case DecimalPointCorrectionMode.Currency:
                    replace = culture.NumberFormat.CurrencyDecimalSeparator;

                case DecimalPointCorrectionMode.Percent:
                    replace = culture.NumberFormat.PercentDecimalSeparator;

                    replace = null;

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(replace) == false)
                //insert the desired string
                var tc = new TextComposition(


            await Task.FromResult(false);


The code is rather simple, so I think would be useless chatting more.
The only worthwhile point is regarding the “async” pattern in the key-replace function. I just wanted to leave the originating event (PreviewKeyDown) a bit of time to finish before adding another (possible) event. Honestly, I don’t know whether that’s really necessary: the async-await pattern comes easy and reliable, so I prefer to keep the code safer. Feel free to improve the it.



The complete demo solution source code can be downloaded here.

This code has been tested widely enough, including on the Windows 8 on-screen touch-keyboard.

Let’s dig into an issue of the FT232 chip

The FTDI FT232-family of chips are used everywhere. They offers a very compact way to interface an UART to an USB. As soon the USB devices started booming, the “huge” serial connectors began to disappear from our PC. However, many of us still needed a real-serial port, and FTDI had the genial idea to create a small chip to provide the conversion.

Our primary usage is RS485 to USB conversion, and we designed from scratch our adapter from the beginning. However, since we needed some extra features on the adapter itself, we added a small MCU together with the FT232 chip. Let’s say the “dirty work” of cleaning the noise incoming from the RS485 line was made by the MCU, then its result is sent through the FTDI chip to the PC, via USB. Our systems are typically placed in very noisy environment, long cabling, poor grounding and so away. For this reason, even dealing with a lot of noise, we had never particular problems with such a structure.
No problems so far…until the past week!

The problem.

Consider any protocol you like over a UART: it’s typically structured as a BOM (begin-of-message) and some kind of EOM (end-of-message).
Let’s take it easy, considering that there’s no noise in the message itself, but immediately before or after. That’s not an abuse, because the RS485 line is placed in a low-impedance state only during the byte transfer. When released it’s in a high-impedance state, and a lot of noise is appearing on the line.
So, what do you expect from a false byte (due to the noise) immediately after the useful message? I’d expect an error after, and maybe some random bytes after the data. By the way, since we’re using a well-defined BOM+EOM, we’re able to detect the start and the end of the message, then cut off any false byte before and after.
Our surprise was seeing the false bytes…in the middle!

For make you understand better the case, I take my old Arduino 2009 and simply plug it to my pc. It’s a original Arduino, without any hack, and the scope probes are just for inspecting what happens.


The Arduino is running this very minimal sketch. It’s just sending a string of bytes, continuously, interleaving a short delay.
If you notice, the “noise” is intentionally placed right after the end of the stream, as a byte sent with the wrong parity. The expectation is receiving a “frame error”, but maybe the correct value.

* test_uart.ino
* Created: 9/24/2014 5:43:55 AM
* Author: Mario

#define PARITY true

void setup()
    pinMode(2, OUTPUT);

void loop()
    digitalWrite(2, true);
    Serial.begin(38400, SERIAL_8E1);

    for (byte i = 0; i < 0x60; i++){
    Serial.begin(38400, SERIAL_8O1);
    digitalWrite(2, false);

Now, here is the counterpart running on the PC, which receives the data and logs them on a file (or on the console).

    class Program
        const string FileName = @"C:\Temp\arduino_dump.txt";

        static void Main(string[] args)
                bool exit = false;
                byte[] buffer = new byte[1024];

                using (var port = new SerialPort("COM3", 38400, Parity.Even, 8, StopBits.One))
                    //port.ParityReplace = 0;
                    port.ErrorReceived += port_ErrorReceived;

                    while (exit == false)
                        int count = port.BytesToRead;
                        if (count > 0)
                            port.Read(buffer, 0, count);

                            var sb = new StringBuilder();
                            for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                                //if (buffer[i] == 0) Console.WriteLine();
                                //Console.Write("{0:X2} ", buffer[i]);
                                if (buffer[i] == 0) sb.AppendLine();
                                sb.AppendFormat("{0:X2} ", buffer[i]);

                            File.AppendAllText(FileName, sb.ToString());

                        if (Console.KeyAvailable)
                            exit = true;


        static void port_ErrorReceived(object sender, SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs e)



When the programs run, the log collects the received data and it’s pretty clear where the problem is.

00 01 02 03 04 05 06 ... 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 3F 3F 4F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 12
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 ... 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 3F 3F 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 12
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 ... 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 3F 3F 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 12
00 01 02 03 04 05 06 ... 4A 4B 4C 4D 4E 4F 50 51 3F 3F 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 5A 5B 5C 5D 5E 5F 12

Note: the strings have been shorted for clarity.

As expected, the extra byte appears always at the end of each string: simply the FT232’s UART accepts the 8-bits value as-is, despite the wrong parity.
However, the real problem is before the extra byte: there is a strange 3F-pair in the message. Why? Who adds it?

Let’s dig into..

First off, the MSDN docs about the SerialPort state that the 3F is added by the framework, upon the ParityReplace property. That is, when this property is set to zero (disable parity replacing), the 3F-pair disappear. Yes, but I wouldn’t lose that info, and…why the parity error is revealed a bunch of bytes before the actual wrong byte?

My colleague made several tests:

  • a serial stream using the “old” RS232;
  • a serial stream using a commercial RS232-to-USB NOT-using a FTDI chip;
  • a serial stream using a commercial RS232-to-USB using a FTDI chip.

It was pretty easy to understand that the odd-placement of the 3F-pair was observed only in the FTDI case.

As he was performing the tests, I decided to make my own with the Arduino, which is shown above. However, I wanted to understand why, so I moved to some research.
FTDI does not offer any specs about the FT232 USB protocol. However, there’s always an angel in the sky, and this angel actually wrote a small C-library which claims to interface Windows/Linux without any problem to the FT232-family chips.
Browsing the driver sources, I bumped against the status poll, which also transfers the data from the chip to the pc.
Here is some remark found in the sources:

    Poll modem status information

    This function allows the retrieve the two status bytes of the device.
    The device sends these bytes also as a header for each read access
    where they are discarded by ftdi_read_data(). The chip generates
    the two stripped status bytes in the absence of data every 40 ms.

    Layout of the first byte:
    - B0..B3 - must be 0
    - B4       Clear to send (CTS)
                 0 = inactive
                 1 = active
    - B5       Data set ready (DTS)
                 0 = inactive
                 1 = active
    - B6       Ring indicator (RI)
                 0 = inactive
                 1 = active
    - B7       Receive line signal detect (RLSD)
                 0 = inactive
                 1 = active

    Layout of the second byte:
    - B0       Data ready (DR)
    - B1       Overrun error (OE)
    - B2       Parity error (PE)
    - B3       Framing error (FE)
    - B4       Break interrupt (BI)
    - B5       Transmitter holding register (THRE)
    - B6       Transmitter empty (TEMT)
    - B7       Error in RCVR FIFO

So, something gets clearer:

  • The UART error are summarized as-per-chunck of data, not just for each byte;
  • the incoming data should face a bit-2 equals to ONE because the forced parity error.

I am FAR to be an expert of USB protocols, and of course you would have many USB devices exchanging data. Listening to what’s up in the circus may be a challenge.
The first thing to do is inspecting the Windows registry for the VID/PID codes of the FDTI chip. Here is how to do:


To inspect the USB data, the simplest things to do is downloading the really awesome tool provided by Microsoft: Messaging Analyzer. It does almost everything (excluding coffee), and it’s also free.


In order to limit the number of the message displayed, but let’s apply a simple (even dumb) filter to the grid. The results are as follows.
This first picture shows the last chunk of the string when there’s NO the extra byte. You may notice that the status byte has the bit-2 off.


The second snapshot shows the altered transfer, instead. The status byte has now the bit-2 on.



The reason behind the odd-placement is now clear: a design-decision of the FTDI engineers. However, seems that there’s no way to overcome this problem. The only thing you can do is disabling the ParityReplace in the SerialPort, and forget any UART error. This imply you strictly rely the reliability of the message on the protocol itself, because the physical layer won’t help you much.

A WPF StackPanel-surrogate with shared-sizing scope ability

Here is a simple trick for simulating the shared-sizing feature of the WPF Grid even in a StackPanel fashion.


Basically, you can have several panels, each one in a separate visual fragment, and “synchronize” their children height (or width, when horizontally-oriented).
A short video explains better than thousands of words.

The solution is pretty simple. Since the Grid already offers such a feature, the trick is leveraging it instead a “real” StackPanel. Otherwise, the mechanism for managing the shared-size scopes is rather complex. As for “complex” I mean that you should keep all the scrolling and virtualization features which is part of a StackPanel, and that’s rather complex.
The resulting StackPanel-surrogate code is very simple:

    /// <summary>
    /// Represent a StackPanel surrogate whose children width/height can be
    /// shared with other homogeneous panel's children
    /// </summary>
    public class StackPanel3S
        : Grid
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets a value that identifies the panel as a member 
        /// of a defined group that shares sizing properties.
        /// </summary>
        public string SharedSizeGroup { get; set; }

        #region DP Orientation

        /// <summary>
        /// Identifies the StackPanelEx.Orientation dependency property.
        /// </summary>
        public static readonly DependencyProperty OrientationProperty = DependencyProperty.Register(
            new FrameworkPropertyMetadata(
                (obj, args) =>
                    var ctl = (StackPanel3S)obj;

        /// <summary>
        /// Gets or sets a value that indicates the dimension by which child elements are stacked.
        /// </summary>
        public Orientation Orientation
            get { return (Orientation)GetValue(OrientationProperty); }
            set { SetValue(OrientationProperty, value); }


        private void OrientationChanged(
            DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs args
            //flush any current row/column definition

        protected override Size MeasureOverride(Size constraint)
            //retrieve the number of children
            int count = this.InternalChildren.Count;

            if (this.Orientation == System.Windows.Controls.Orientation.Vertical)
                //add the missing row-defintions
                for (int i = this.RowDefinitions.Count; i < count; i++)
                        new RowDefinition()
                            Height = GridLength.Auto,
                            SharedSizeGroup = this.SharedSizeGroup + "__R" + i

                //remove the unnecessary row-definitions
                for (int i = this.RowDefinitions.Count - 1; i >= count; i--)

                //assing a progressive index to each child
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    UIElement child;
                    if ((child = this.InternalChildren[i]) != null)
                        Grid.SetRow(child, i);
                //add the missing column-defintions
                for (int i = this.ColumnDefinitions.Count; i < count; i++)
                        new ColumnDefinition()
                            Width = GridLength.Auto,
                            SharedSizeGroup = this.SharedSizeGroup + "__C" + i

                //remove the unnecessary column-definitions
                for (int i = this.ColumnDefinitions.Count - 1; i >= count; i--)

                //assing a progressive index to each child
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    UIElement child;
                    if ((child = this.InternalChildren[i]) != null)
                        Grid.SetColumn(child, i);

            //yield the default measuring pass
            return base.MeasureOverride(constraint);



Nesting a private C# Dynamic object

I don’t use often the dynamic feature of the C# language, but past yesterday I bumped against a subtle issue.

A basic implementation.

Consider a very basic dynamic object implementation against the DynamicObject, which looks like the overhauled ExpandoObject:

    public class MyDynamicObject
        : DynamicObject
        public MyDynamicObject()
            this._dict = new Dictionary<string, object>();

        private readonly Dictionary<string, object> _dict;

         * called when the host tries to GET the value
         * from a member
        public override bool TryGetMember(
            GetMemberBinder binder,
            out object result
            //look for the member into the dictionary
            bool found = this._dict.TryGetValue(
                out result

            if (found)
                return true;

            //yield the default behavior
            return base.TryGetMember(
                out result

         * called when the host tries to SET a value
         * against a member
        public override bool TrySetMember(
            SetMemberBinder binder,
            object value
            //store the value in the dictionary
            this._dict[binder.Name] = value;
            return true;


Its usage may be expressed as follows:

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            dynamic d = new MyDynamicObject();
            d.first = "John";
            d.last = "Doe";
            d.birthdate = new DateTime(1966, 7, 23);
            d.registered = true;



So far, so well. But what about retrieving a member “by name”, that is using a string as a “key” for mapping the desired member?
The above snippet could be refined as follows:

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            dynamic d = new MyDynamicObject();
            d.first = "John";
            d.last = "Doe";
            d.birthdate = new DateTime(1966, 7, 23);
            d.registered = true;


            Console.Write("Please enter a field name: ");
            string key = Console.ReadLine();

            //how to map the required field?
            //Console.WriteLine("The field value is: " + ??? );


Again, with an ExpandoObject everything would be straightforward, but the actual “MyDynamicObject” used in the original application requires a more complex content, with XML and a dictionary working aside.


Going on this way, the “keyed” dynamic object implementation is easy to refine:

    public class MyDynamicObject
        : DynamicObject

        // ... original implementation ...

         * provide a member access through a key
        public object this[string key]
            get { return this._dict[key]; }
            set { this._dict[key] = value; }


At this point, the demo application works fine with both the accessing way. It looks much like a JavaScript object!

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            dynamic d = new MyDynamicObject();
            d.first = "John";
            d.last = "Doe";
            d.birthdate = new DateTime(1966, 7, 23);
            d["registered"] = true;


            Console.Write("Please enter a field name: ");
            string key = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("The field value is: " + d[key]);


The problem: a nested-private dynamic object.

Consider a proxy pattern, and a dynamic object to expose indirectly to the hosting application. Also consider that the dynamic object should be marked as “private” due to avoid any possible usage outside its context.
The revised component would look as follows:

    class MyClass

        public IDynamicMetaObjectProvider GetDynamicAccess()
            return new MyDynamicObject();

        //notice that the below class is marked as "private"
        private class MyDynamicObject
            : DynamicObject

            // ... implementation as the keyed-one seen above ...


When used in such a sample application, it won’t work:

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var c = new MyClass();

            dynamic d = c.GetDynamicAccess();
            d.first = "John";
            d.last = "Doe";
            d.birthdate = new DateTime(1966, 7, 23);
            d["registered"] = true;     //throws!


            Console.Write("Please enter a field name: ");
            string key = Console.ReadLine();

            //the following would also throw
            Console.WriteLine("The field value is: " + d[key]);

Better: it won’t work the “keyed” access, but the classic way is available, however.

I wasn’t able to find *ANY* solution unless you have the ability to modify the implementation. Here are the possible solutions.

Solution 1: mark the MyDynamicObject class accessor as “public”.

This is the simplest way, but I’d say it’s also a NON-solution because the original desire is keeping the class as “private”.

Solution 2: use the reflection.

You know, reflection is able to dig into the deepest yet hidden corners of your assembly, but it’s yet a last-rescue way. The compiler has a very-little (or nothing at all) control over what we access through reflection. I’d discourage, though feasible.

Solution 3: add an interface.

The “best” solution (although I’d demote to “decent”) is adding an interface, which aim is to expose the indexed access (keyed) to the host application.

    interface IKeyedAccess
        object this[string name] { get; set; }

    class MyClass

        public IDynamicMetaObjectProvider GetDynamicAccess()
            return new MyDynamicObject();

        //notice that the below class is marked as "private"
        private class MyDynamicObject
            : DynamicObject, IKeyedAccess

            // ... implementation as the keyed-one seen above ...


Our keyed-dynamic object must implement the interface, but rather obvious because our primary goal is that.
The major difference is rather on the object usage:

    class Program
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var c = new MyClass();

            dynamic d = c.GetDynamicAccess();
            var dk = (IKeyedAccess)d;
            d.first = "John";
            d.last = "Doe";
            d.birthdate = new DateTime(1966, 7, 23);
            dk["registered"] = true;


            Console.Write("Please enter a field name: ");
            string key = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.WriteLine("The field value is: " + dk[key]);

Unfortunately not as good as expected, but at least it allows to keep sticky to the “private” constraint.

Here is the source code.

Cet MicroWPF is now on CodePlex

After loooooooong time, the Cet MicroWPF repository is publicly available on CodePlex.
The awaited release comes with a (decent) tutorial, where you may follow step-by-step how to create a nice graphical UI for your Netduino. Many more is still to do, but of sure there are enough stuffs to have some fun!

My Snapshot18

Stay tuned!

Two little “endians”…and then there were none (of big)

1940 cover of the bookIf you don’t have problems, it means that you are doing nothing new. In my job, I do have problems almost everyday, and that’s making me happy!
If you deal with low-level data transfer, then you probably faced the different “endianness” of the processors. Traditionally, companies like Intel embraced the Little-endian choice, whereas Motorola (now Freescale) joined the Big-endian way.
Now, it seems that the .Net Framework cares only the Little-endian vision of the world. Here is an excerpt of the BitConverter class as seen with any decent disassembler:

	public static class BitConverter
		/// <summary>Indicates the byte order ("endianness") in which data is stored in this computer architecture.</summary>
		/// <filterpriority>1</filterpriority>
		public static readonly bool IsLittleEndian = true;

                // ...

Anyway, when you have to write a C#/.Net program which has to exchange data with a Big-endian device, you’re in trouble because the very poor support of this format. So, I created a pretty decent reader/writer pair that should come useful for many of you.

The “BIDI”-way.

Many modern processors supports both the “endiannesses”, so…why a BinaryReader/BinaryWriter shouldn’t act as them? Furthermore, it’s not unusual to see a mixed-format data in the same stream. One of the latest occasions was just on the FT800 chip, which requires a mixture of Big-endian for the addressing, despite the specs state that the chip is Little-endian based.
So, I definitely wanted a Reader/Writer capable of both. However, the interface is meant as “explicit” reference to a type yet the format. There’s no any “default” format, and this context might be interesting as well. The classes have been based by the original Microsoft’s BinaryReader and BinaryWriter, then I modified the data access. The pair of new classes are named as BidiBinaryReader and BidiBinaryWriter.
If any of you browsed the sources of my Modbus library, then the problem isn’t new at all. This time I turned the source to “wrap” a generic Stream object, instead a faster but less-abstract byte array. Here is an example of how the BidiBinaryReader:

        /// <summary>Reads a 4-byte signed integer (Little-endian) from the current stream and advances the current position of the stream by four bytes.</summary>
        /// <returns>A 4-byte signed integer read from the current stream.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.IO.EndOfStreamException">The end of the stream is reached. </exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The stream is closed. </exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">An I/O error occurs. </exception>
        /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
        public virtual int ReadInt32LE()
                (int)this.m_buffer[0] |
                (int)this.m_buffer[1] << 8 |
                (int)this.m_buffer[2] << 16 |
                (int)this.m_buffer[3] << 24;

        /// <summary>Reads a 4-byte signed integer (Big-endian) from the current stream and advances the current position of the stream by four bytes.</summary>
        /// <returns>A 4-byte signed integer read from the current stream.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.IO.EndOfStreamException">The end of the stream is reached. </exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.ObjectDisposedException">The stream is closed. </exception>
        /// <exception cref="T:System.IO.IOException">An I/O error occurs. </exception>
        /// <filterpriority>2</filterpriority>
        public virtual int ReadInt32BE()
                (int)this.m_buffer[3] |
                (int)this.m_buffer[2] << 8 |
                (int)this.m_buffer[1] << 16 |
                (int)this.m_buffer[0] << 24;

What the classes don’t expose.

The original Microsoft’s sources also offer the support for reading and writing chars, thus the codec-way to manipulate bytes. The problem is that those sources access to several internal stuffs, so the only way to leverage them is via reflection. I usually work with plain byte-arrays, and the text conversion is made by some specific codec (e.g. UTF8Encoding).
As stated, there’s no a support for setting a “default” endinanness of the Reader/Writer. I mean using the same original’s interface, but allowing the user to set whether adopt the Big- instead of the Little-endian format.

So far so well. As usual here are the sources.