Listening to…Chairman Wow

Okay, this wasn’t a planned post, but these days are running so strangely…
The past November was a month full of events: bringing to me both happiness and sadness. At this time I really want to “turn page”, and let some things behind me.
The most exciting news of the near future is about my *lovely* sister…we all are awaiting the “great event” with impatience.

She’s grown…
…it has been a while since she was about two years old. She often named a certain “keke”, but when you were asking her “where is this ‘keke’?”. She always answered “gone away!”. Now, none ever will know what (damn) the “keke” is…
…then she was three years old, being *very* angry with mom. It was the 19th of January, snow and ice everywhere…but she wanted anyway to go alone to the store to buy a “brand new mother”.
…then was a sunny Sunday of spring, when I was washing the car in the garden. She walked up standing on the the window ledge, at the 2nd floor, just to greet me…*soooo* lovely!…but, please Chiara, greet me in another way!
…then thousands of things, that ever felt me an halfway between a brother and a dad…strange feeling indeed…
…now I’m getting really proud of her, and -of course- of Tom.

Tom, you’re viewing the personality of my sister like a “cactus”…well, probably you are still looking at the side without any thorn…
Go ahead, never stop…

Guys, my deepest heart wishes for your future: being full of happiness and joy!
With love.

Listening to Chairman Wow