Radio Dromo filed for Sziget Festival 2013

The Venezia’s rock band Radio Dromo is filed for the incoming Sziget Festival 2013, that will be held in the Obudai-island, Budapest, Hungary.

So, please, join me in the support of this great band: the Sziget Festival is a “can’t miss” opportunity!


Radio Dromo rock band formed in 2010 collecting victories in music contests (Musiche Mestre Growing, Frre Young Music Festival, San Benedetto Rock, Music Village), taking part in some radio sessions (Radio Sherwood, Radio Salzano, Radio Vanessa, Radio Padova), receiving invitations to festivals and events (Venice Marathon, CorriMestre, Art don’t stop, Rock Solidale, Campalto Rock Festival, Wild Festival, First of all Festival).
During 2012 Summer there were some changes in the band adding Giuliano Rinaldo (drums) and Jacopo Facchinetto (keyboards) to the founders Fabio Tantaro (voice, guitar), Giacomo Bertoldi (bass) and Omawumi Fischer (guitar).
“New” Dromo started to work to the first self-made album, out in December 2012.
Their original and unpublished compositions are affected by influences ranging from rock to funk, from blues to progressive. The atmosphere is typical of the 70s with psychedelic movement, an obsessive attention to sounds and effects that makes them feel at ease even in a more 80s, remaining equally strong and compact and sometimes self-mocking live with typical performance 90 groups.
In their repertoire there is room and respect for popular songs, always twist “dromica.”

The Radio Dromo gang
The Radio Dromo gang

Listening to…Chairman Wow

Okay, this wasn’t a planned post, but these days are running so strangely…
The past November was a month full of events: bringing to me both happiness and sadness. At this time I really want to “turn page”, and let some things behind me.
The most exciting news of the near future is about my *lovely* sister…we all are awaiting the “great event” with impatience.

She’s grown…
…it has been a while since she was about two years old. She often named a certain “keke”, but when you were asking her “where is this ‘keke’?”. She always answered “gone away!”. Now, none ever will know what (damn) the “keke” is…
…then she was three years old, being *very* angry with mom. It was the 19th of January, snow and ice everywhere…but she wanted anyway to go alone to the store to buy a “brand new mother”.
…then was a sunny Sunday of spring, when I was washing the car in the garden. She walked up standing on the the window ledge, at the 2nd floor, just to greet me…*soooo* lovely!…but, please Chiara, greet me in another way!
…then thousands of things, that ever felt me an halfway between a brother and a dad…strange feeling indeed…
…now I’m getting really proud of her, and -of course- of Tom.

Tom, you’re viewing the personality of my sister like a “cactus”…well, probably you are still looking at the side without any thorn…
Go ahead, never stop…

Guys, my deepest heart wishes for your future: being full of happiness and joy!
With love.

Listening to Chairman Wow

Campalto Rock Festival 2010

Si e’ svolto con un successo notevolmente oltre le aspettative il Campalto Rock Festival 2010, che ha visto in gioco da una parte sei gruppi rock di giovani emergenti e dall’altro il richiamo dei “big”, che hanno fatto da padrini ai giovani talenti.

L’evento e’ stato preparato con cura incessante fin dallo scorso febbraio/marzo, ma con in testa la radicata volonta’ di crearlo fin gia’ dallo scorso anno.
Anche la pioggia ha “romanticamente” fatto da corona alla giornata, non ha impedito che la musica facesse da polo d’attrazione per centinaia di persone. Cosa ancora piu’ incredibile, di ogni eta’, visto il genere musicale. Questo ci ha fatto capire che l’asserzione “il rock e’ cosa da giovani” e’ un alibi, ma in realta’ la musica e’ un linguaggio universale che riesce ad aggregare tutti senza limiti di eta’.

Voglio fare onore ai tre “big” che ci hanno regalato una serata indimenticabile con queste tre foto, scelte da me, Fabi ed Alessio, tra gli scatti di Pierpaolo Gelussi, il fotografo ufficiale dell’evento. Questi tre scatti sono, a nostro parere, le immagini piu’ rappresentative dei gruppi nella magica atmosfera di ieri sera.

Clubprive’ :: Chiara (voce)
Club-prive' :: Chiara (cantante)

Radio-Dromo :: (da sinistra a destra) Dark-Fisk, Fabio, Giacomo e Jacopo (batteria)

Altroego :: Tonino (chitarra e voce) e Claudio (basso)
Altroego :: Tonino (chitarra) e Claudio (basso)