An example of an hardware problem and how to solve it

This post was not planned, in the sense that the main article is expected on the real working project (coming soon), not on the problems related. However, this is a typical case of hardware malfunction (due to a insufficient design redundancy), and it thought it was useful to show. I realized that most users not having a good practice in electronics, get discouraged when they try to replicate a circuit and that does not work as expected. They first wonder about the “logical equivalency” of the schematic/wiring, but that does not seem a good reason for make it working.
Electronics is physics, I mean a small part of. So, the world is not working differently when we talk about electrons spinning or a logic chip connected to a micro-controller. However, the main task done for years by scientists is to simplify, to model, to minimize interaction between “electronic parts”, so that the design will become easier yet reliable.


In this post I want to describe what happened to me yesterday, when I was trying to make the circuit working, but it did not wanted to. All my attention was payed on the software (written by me), on possible bugs in the new Netduino Plus 2, and even about some wrong wiring. None of these areas was the right one, but the most unsuspected component.


The goal of the project is interfacing a Sure Electronics Led-matrix board to the Netduino Plus 2 with a minimal external hardware. By the way, the board can be SPI-driven with a couple more of signals. All I need is some pull-up resistor, just because the STM32 MCU used by the Netduino Plus 2 does not embed them as the Atmel does.
So far, so well.

Yesterday the C# software driver was completed and worked well…ehm, bad…or well?…Hard to say how…
According to the Sure Electronics datasheet, as well as the Holtek HT1632 datasheet, my driver running on the Netduino produced the waveform correctly. Every single pattern, command, and data have been checked on the scope, and looked fine. However, the leds on the board were not lighting at all, or -at most- randomly colorized.


I had a suspect on the board itself, but I refused it because I mumbled:

…these boards are sold worldwide in thousands units: how can be not working?

However, today I checked the board correctness against its schematic.
The first yet easy component to check was the mapper for enabling the HT1632 led-controllers. There are four controllers on my board, which is 16 rows by 32 columns, bi-color led-matrix. The mapper is a normal 74HC164 shift-register, similar but simpler than the famous 74HC595.
The software driver clocks the 74HC164 so that only one HT1632 is enabled at once. Basically the driver issues a logic “zero” to the shift-register input, then shifts once: this will move the zero to the first register output, while all the remaining are “one”. This enables only the first controller, and the driver feeds it with the matrix data. Every further clock should issue a logic “one”, so that the logic “zero” is “moving” forward on the register’s outputs, and the other controllers are enabled.

The 74HC164 used for enabling the led controllers.
The 74HC164 used for enabling the led controllers.

What made me shocking is the wrong output state of the register. Although the clocks were issued correctly, as well as the input data, the outputs were completely wrong, most of the times enabling more controllers at once. That was a very good reason for the leds lighting randomly!
So, my move was to inspect what made the shift-register shifting unexpectedly. To do that, I placed the first scope probe on the 74HC164 output activating badly, and the second probe on the same chip clock. At first glance there was no reason for the output getting low, because there was no clock edges. However, something must happen, because the 74HC164 actually shifts the data.
The 74HC164 clock (above) and its first output going low.
The 74HC164 clock (above) and the data input fed into.

The first output of the shift-register, which correctly goes low along a whole clock period.
The first output of the shift-register, which correctly goes low along a whole clock period.
The shifter's second output going low earlier than the second clock pulse.
The shifter’s second output going low earlier than the second clock pulse.
The clock generated by the Netduino is perfectly flat upon the output falling: that's suspect!
The clock generated by the Netduino is perfectly flat upon the output falling: that’s suspect!

The driver timings are around several milliseconds: even the new Netduino can’t reach microseconds pulses. By the way, the external logic does not care about milliseconds, and it works even on nanoseconds events.

The actual clock by the 74HC164 pin shows a small glitch shorter than 100nS.
The actual clock by the 74HC164 pin shows a small glitch shorter than 100nS.

I scaled the scope time-base up to sub-microseconds timings, and…GOTCHA!…a subtle pulse was causing the improper shifting.
Now, I didn’t know exactly where that pulse is originated, nor the very best way to avoid it. By the way, it had to cut off, otherwise the board won’t worked. Two guesses: stray capacitance (e.g. PCB tracking too tight), and/or bad grounding (e.g. leds’ current leads voltage drops).

The solution.

The easier way to cut a spike off is placing a small 1nF capacitor across the signal and ground (assuming the grounding is good).

The 1nF capacitor added to the board.
The 1nF capacitor added to the board.

The funny thing is that the capacitor was considered by design, but not mounted (at least on my board). I wonder why the Sure Electronics Engineers missed it.

The 74HC164 second output shows perfectly after the capacitor insertion.
The 74HC164 second output shows perfectly after the capacitor insertion.


I know, it’s frustrating.
Most of the users having fun with Netduino are programmers, and they can’t accept that does not exist “copy-and-paste” for hardware. Well, it can be applied if the circuit model has enough redundancy so that most of the undesired effects and interactions can be ignored.
So, please, don’t trash your long awaited hardware project just because it does not work at first time. Dig, dig, and dig again. Also remember that a logic analyzer can’t replace a scope, but a scope most of the time can.